Saturday 12 November 2011

Avartan X-Press Saturday, 12 November 2011

Today’s “Avartan X-Press” talk will be given by Professor Harjinder Singh (Laltu Ji). He will speak on his short stories and read his poems too. Sir has said it will be like a solo performance. Though, Laltu Ji needs not any introduction to us but still a brief one for all. Interestingly he is a man of science. Currently he is Prof.  & Head, Center for Computational Natural Sciences and Bioinformatics, IIIT, Hyderabad. B.Sc. from Presidency College, Calcutta University, M. Sc. from IIT, Kanpur and holds his Ph. D. from Princetown University, USA. He has huge complex research interests which we may not understand. He is a visiting fellow of lots of national and international institutions. He also got several awards and honours and held administration position too. And yes sir has a long list of publications which is impossible to read here. But finally he is a lover of theatre and arts and often encourages too. He writes poetry and short stories also. He has several collections of poetry and short stories which got published and he translates also. Avartan is happy getting him for the first day talk.
Here are some links for you regarding Laltu Ji…

Please come and witness the inaugural of “Avartan X-Press”. Invite your friends and make it a huge successful event.

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