Sunday 8 April 2012

Avartan adieus University of Hyderabad

     Hello friends, this is Avartan. Hope you all are doing well. If you have little time please read it. We promise we will not take much time of yours. Well, as you know Avartan is a group of students from different departments of University of Hyderabad who used to do some cultural activities. But due to some problems aroused in front of us now onwards we have decided to close all our student oriented activities in the campus. By the way we would also like to say that Avartan is a registered professional theatre group in the city of Hyderabad. But soon after its establishment and our personal involvements with UoH slowly we found ourselves in the midst of students. With the time we found that our main goal of a professional theatre group is almost vanished and rather we turned into a student community group conducting various kinds of activities. Yes, we were very happy on that.

                    We continued our activities in the campus and most of you have probably witnessed some of it. But very recently we found ourselves in little trouble. The main reason is we were refused to continue our activities in the place where we used to do earlier and it is very difficult to do work without any shelter. The next thing is though we don’t have any allegation with anyone but we found that directly or indirectly we are being watched unnecessarily by some people. The reason may be those people thought that Avartan is getting much limelight and probably they took Avartan as a threat to them. Thus these people never supported Avartan and its activities in the campus. But believe us we never wanted to trouble anyone. On the other side we found very supportive people also from inside and outside the campus. We thank all of them for their support, well wishes and for being with us. Same time we thank the Vice Chancellor sir of University of Hyderabad for his extended support always. But we understand his and our limitations too.

                     It is not any poster or counter poster or posterbaji, it is just a modest poster addressing campus community and revealing what forced us to take this decision. The poster is just to say thanks and good bye to all. We just cannot escape silently. Simply because we consider that the whole campus community was the stakeholder of Avartan and it is our duty to inform them about our decision that we are not continuing our activities at UoH. It is to say that we love you people and certainly we are going to miss you. We know you too liked us and we thought we should give minimum respect to you by informing about our decision and future plans. Well future plans, yes from now onwards Avartan will continue its theatre activity as a professional group in Hyderabad and elsewhere. For that we need your support and blessings too. We are sad and sorry if Avartan heartened you in any way in the course of time. We believe what we have decided is good for all of us. You say, after doing all this voluntary work who can expect a call to his or her head or guide. Anyway leave it that is a different story. So, good bye, Alvida University of Hyderabad.

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